George Dmitriev was born in Murom in 1957. But as soon as the next year he and his family moved in Moscow. In 1983 he graduated from Moscow State Academic Institute of Fine Arts named after V.I.Surikov (the workshop of Mochalsky, D.K.) and since that time he became a participant of various exhibitions. Since 1987 he was a member of the Moscow Division of the Union of Russian Artists.
Works of George Dmitriev can be found in Russian and foreign museums, galleries and private collections (in Taiwan, Turkey, Germany, Denmark, USA, Canada, England, Spain, Japan, Korea, France, Finland) as well as in the collection of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
Nowadays George Dmitriev is one of the most well-regarded Russian marine painters. Nobody stays indifferent looking at the sea în the pictures of the artist. It is lightsome with random streams of the sun and demonstrates plenty of various hues … With vivid waves infused by freshness and energy, these paintings are fascinating and holding the attention for a long time. They excite admiration. In front of the pictures of the artist all the might of the Nature is perceived and it becomes clear that the live is possible only in consonance with it.
The artist has needed some time to find his style and become a marine painter. Some of his admirers may be surprised to see his still-life painting of 1987 with cubist bottles. It is high time to refer to a world known Moscow artist, Aron Bukh, who has dedicated the most of his creative life to realism and only during his last decades has created a range of outstanding expressionist pictures.
Being a talented marine painter, Dmitriev has many wonderful still-life paintings among his works. Their composition is thoroughly considered and well-balanced. The artist chooses background so that the texture and the color of subjects creating the composition will show up.
The picture “Two Jars”, a still-art painting combining not only color, but texture contrast, conveys the most diverse images. Two types of metal which adopt the form and its deformation in different way, deep blackness of the background and scarlet clarity of the theme – this is what, in particular, makes perception of the picture exceptionally individual.
George Dmitriev is one of the few artists whose works are obviously invaluable objects of fine arts. This is proved by the fact that not only connoisseurs but also ordinary people acknowledge the high artistic value of Dmitriev’s pictures. And ordinary people assess works of art mainly by vivid emotional response.
New paintings of George Dmitriev
All of the paintings is possible to look in his gallery ( GO TO THE GALLERY )
