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Kallistova Elena |
"Little Swan" |
canvas, oil, 35x25 cm, 2012
Let the price of painting
Prokazov Boris |
"Rehearsal" |
canvas, oil, 90x90 cm, 2017
Let the price of painting
Teneta Viktoria |
"Performance" |
canvas, oil, 70x70 cm, 2021
Let the price of painting
Teneta Viktoria |
"Spring Ballet" |
canvas, oil, 70x70 cm, 2021
Let the price of painting
Teneta Viktoria |
"The Three Graces" |
canvas, oil, 60x80 cm, 2021
Let the price of painting
Teneta Viktoria |
"Flight. Ballet" |
canvas, oil, 56,5 x56,5 cm, 2021
Let the price of painting
Teneta Viktoria |
"Tamara Karsavina on stage" |
canvas, oil, 90x74 cm, 2020
Let the price of painting
Teneta Viktoria |
"Blue ballet" |
canvas, oil, 100x80 cm, 2020
Let the price of painting
Teneta Viktoria |
"Odette. Swan lake" |
canvas, oil, 100x80 cm, 2020
Let the price of painting
Teneta Viktoria |
"A large divertissement. Raymond" |
canvas, oil, 70x70 cm, 2020
Let the price of painting
Teneta Viktoria |
"Sulfides" |
canvas, oil, 70x70 cm, 2020
Let the price of painting
Teneta Viktoria |
"Premiere" |
canvas, oil, 130x100 cm, 2020
Let the price of painting
Teneta Viktoria |
"Resting Sylph" |
canvas, oil, 90x70 cm, 2013-2016
Let the price of painting
Teneta Viktoria |
"Odette, Swan lake" |
canvas, oil, 100x80 cm, 2017
Let the price of painting
Zaitsev Alexi |
"Three graces" |
canvas, oil, 50*60 cm, 2009
Chizhova Viktoriya |
"Nadia" |
canvas, oil, 50x40 cm, 2019, sold
Dyakonitsyn Lev |
"Ballet. Repetition" |
paperboard, oil, 60x40 cm, 2014
Let the price of painting
Dyakonitsyn Lev |
"Ballet" |
canvas, oil, 60x50 cm, 2006
Let the price of painting
Dyakonitsyn Lev |
"Behind the scenes" |
cardboard, oil, 70x85 cm, 2014
Let the price of painting
Jean Guiney Jgityan |
"The ballerina" |
canvas, oil, 60*50 cm, 2007, sold
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